Spring & Fall Clean-ups
Spring and Fall always bring on those chores which nobody likes to do. Raking and sweeping till your hands are sore from the blisters.
Spring Clean-ups
We power sweep your boulevards and ditches so you're not left with all that sand from 'Old Man Winter' and your lawn will recover better and sooner. We also remove all the debris and haul it away. The sand will be left by the curb for the city or township to pick up. So it is imperative to get it all done as early as possible after the snow is gone.
Fall Clean-ups
Spring and Fall always bring on those chores which nobody likes to do. Raking and sweeping till your hands are sore from the blisters.
Our team can look after that for you. You come home from work and 'Wow', it's all cleaned up for you! We haul the leaves and debris away as well, so you're not left with bags and bags of leaves at the end of your driveway. Although that would be left to the customer's discretion.